Living the Liturgy ~ 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted on August 20, 2021 in: General News

Living the Liturgy ~ 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Many people give their allegiance to something until it asks them to do something challenging or radical.  Then, they find themselves rethinking whether they want to be associated with it.  The same holds for God.  Either we serve God, or we don't.  There can be no lukewarm stance with regard to faith.  If we are in, then faith in Jesus Christ asks us to do some difficult things: work in service of God's kingdom, love our enemies, offer no resistance to injury, and trust that the Eucharist is in fact Jesus' very Body and Blood.  For some, buying into these things may prove too difficult and a return to a life without them is preferred.  But truth is truth and it can only be found in God.  If we find it hard to accept it from the mouth of Christ, where else can we go to find it?  The task before us is to commit to the truth even when it may be easier to pursue something else.  Truth is always worth obtaining even when it is difficult.  Jesus offers us the truth of life, a life that is found in his own flesh and blood and a life of discipleship.