Live the Liturgy ~ 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted on October 14, 2021 in: General News

Live the Liturgy ~ 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

It's the postions of power & great authority that people often admire.  We equate success with six figure incomes, high postiions, management, and influence.  We even go above and beyond to find favor with our bosses so that we can get a little extra recognition and maybe the next promotion when it comes up.  This is the way of the world.  Those who have their values set on earthly things are going to work by earthly rules.  We forget that it doesn't work that way in the Kingdom of God.  Success is measured not from the place of status, influence, or prestige but from the place of humility, service, and sacrifice.  The authority that one hopes to achieve is not an authority over others but an authority that comes from wisdom and developing one's relationship with God.  Jesus flips the tables on our priorities.  Even the first disciples had a tough time understanding this.  They really thought that they would somehow receive a privilege or bonus from being faithful.  We often operate under that same illusion.