Worship Ministries
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
Our parish Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests in distributing Holy Eucharist at each Mass. Lectors proclaim the Word of God in the readings for each Mass. Both ministries play integral parts in the celebration of Mass. The parish is always looking for additional people to assist in both ministries. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister or a Lector, call Deacon Frank Hannah at (724) 981-5566.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Would you like the opportunity to share the Eucharist with those who are unable to join us at liturgy? If you have a willingness to share this special gift with others, we need you!
We have a critical need for caring individuals who are willing to take the Holy Eucharist to our homebound parishioners once per month. Please contact Kathy Higgins at (724) 342-7858 or the church office at (724) 981-5566.
Music Ministry
Notre Dame Parish is blessed with a vibrant music ministry that includes parish members who participate as cantors, choir members, instrumentalists and folk group members. Please select this link: https://notredame-pa.org/Parish-Ministries/Music-Ministry to learn more about the ministry or contact Gretchen Wagner at (724) 813-5245.
Our ushers ministry is an important part of our Notre Dame Parish family. They minister to the people coming into church, help Mass attendees be seated when needed, pass the collection basket and ensure that the Holy Eucharist is brought to those people who are unable to walk up to receive communion. Contact for the ushers ministry is Bill Zamary at (724) 699-4520.
Eucharistic Adoration
Jesus told us that He would be with us always (Matthew 28:20) and that His flesh is real food and His blood is real drink (John 6:55) and again this IS my body! (Luke 22:19) The Church has believed in the real presence of Jesus Christ longer than we have had a New Testament! So because we know that Christ is truly present, we are called to adore Him!
Our Notre Dame community has Eucharistic Adoration available in our chapel Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. We are always looking for Adorers who are able to commit to one hour a week or who are willing to be called as a substitute when needed. Please call/text Jo Feeney at (724) 699-3340 if you are interested or have any questions.