Posted on October 26, 2022 in: General News


Dear Friends, Family, and Parishioners,

Our family is not quite sure how or where to begin to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support that has been given to us in this difficult time. Reading all the names of donors on the donor board and on each basket, seeing all the people rushing around in the kitchen and multipurpose room serving, seeing so many people enjoying the spaghetti dinner and raffle, and all the kind words of love and support has truly brought us to tears. We are humbled and grateful for everything that has been done for our family. To Gretchen and Ken Wagner, Father Allen, the Music Ministry, the Knights of Columbus, the Small Faith Groups, and all our Notre Dame Families, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We know this was no easy task, and we can imagine all the time and energy that was put into preparing such a lovely event for our son Joshua. God bless you all!

The Babcanec Family (Boe, Patty, Joshua, Joe, and Jacob Babcanec)

Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

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The pasta dinner and raffle benefit for Joshua Babcanec was a HUGE success!! Over 400 meals, 40 pounds of pasta, 800 meatballs served! And some had to be turned away (only 275 were planned for!).

Each person who cooked, made all those meatballs, served, scooped, made salads, cleaned tables was so very important. And not to mention all the donations to cover expenses, baskets, gift cards……over $10,000 was made for the Babcanec family.

How do you say thank you for all of that generosity? God bless all of you – the above mentioned workers, the Knights of Columbus men who set up and took down, cleaned, took out garbage….

One man summed it up on Monday morning when he came to collect a prize he had won at the benefit: “THIS is what Church is – a caring, loving community that comes together in a time of need.” Thank you to each and every one of you.

And please continue to pray for a kidney donor for Joshua.

Gretchen Wagner on behalf of all involved.