Inspiration for the Week...

Posted on November 03, 2022 in: General News

Inspiration for the Week...

Every believer wonders about what the experience of heaven will be like.  Popular images of people walking around in white robes, becoming like angels, and reunions with those who have gone before us all tickle human imagination.  Jesus never got too specific about what heaven actually looks like.  But he assures us that it exists and that all are alive in God.  Clinging to the traditions of our faith, we persevere through life's challenges confident that God's promise of eternal life will come to be.  We are told that we shall become like God and see God as He is.  As God has made us, He also loves us and sustains us.  Desiring to be with God above all other desires gives us the hope that when we close our eyes in death, we will fall into the arms of the One who will gently bring us where we need to be.  Knowing ahead of time what we find when we arrive changes little.