Need a spiritual boost?

Posted on March 28, 2024 in: General News

Need a spiritual boost?


DME #108: April 26-28, 2024


DME is a three day retreat program. Each day has a different focus: Friday is the Day of Invitation, focusing on how God is inviting us into relationship. Saturday is the Day of Encounter, where we encounter God through the sacraments, Adoration, and others. Sunday is the Day of Commission, where we as a community are empowered to evangelize and share our faith. 

The weekend includes talks, exposure to different types of prayer, Mass, community, and much more. The weekend runs from 10am on Friday to 5pm on Sunday, and retreat participants stay onsite for the weekend.

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT DME  If you have any questions regarding DME, please contact Jo Feeney at 724.699.3340


Cursillo (kur-SEE-yo) literally means “little course” and is an intense three-day spiritual retreat, the purpose of which is a deep personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Those who experience the Cursillo Movement know it is more than just three days of religious instruction. It is an effort to change the spiritual environment, to bring Jesus Christ into the world.

To understand what the Cursillo Movement is all about, a person must first realize that the Cursillo Movement is a method of spirituality. This method for living one’s faith has a twofold goal. The first goal is the internal renewal of the person. The second goal is the Christianizing of the person’s environment. The first goal is seen as the absolutely necessary step to achieve the second goal. But the Cursillo Movement’s philosophy is that the first goal is meaningless unless there is also a sincere commitment to the second goal.

For the Cursillista (kur-SEE-ista), faith impels the person to “incarnate” the world, to do as the son of God did: to bring into the very guts of daily life the Word of God, the Christian Message, the dynamic power and thrust of the trinity in human history. The person who has made a Cursillo knows that Jesus did not come to save us “from this world,” but to help us give God back to His world.

The Cursillo Method for living a Christian life is wrapped up in two phrases used frequently
during the three-day Cursillo experience (that is, the Cursillo Weekend that people talk about “making”). These two phrases are the “Cursillo Tripod” and the “Fourth Day.”