Live The Liturgy ~ 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted on September 30, 2021 in: General News

Live The Liturgy ~ 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"What God has joined together." We are all familiar with these words.  Because man and woman are essentially of the same substance, although also distinctively different, there is an innate desire to be connected and united.  Admittedly, marriage covenants can be extremely difficult to negotiate and, at times, very painful to experience.  But they can also be celebrations of great union and happiness.  This is proven by couples who have been married for many years who still have that same twinkle of devotion in their eyes that was present on their wedding day.  God designed it to be this way.  By God's power, the two become one.  This is not of human design.  The true intimacy of marriage is a Divine Initimacy.  It is a bond created by a power far greater than any found in the two people who are joined.  Marriage is where the virtue of love is most fully expressed.