THIS SUNDAY - Our Lady of Fatima ~ Rosary Prayer

Posted on October 14, 2021 in: General News

THIS SUNDAY - Our Lady of Fatima ~ Rosary Prayer

Our Lady of Fatima ~ Rosary Prayer

October 17, 2021, 2:45pm at Notre Dame Church

The World of Apostolate of Fatima will celebrate the 104th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, Portugal.  Children will be given flower petals to begin procession before Our Lady of Fatima.  Please join us this day as it will be filled with prayerful events including the Crowning of Our Holy Mother of God, Rosary Prayer, and Benediction with Fr. Matthew Strickenberger.  A special thanks in advance to Deacon Messina, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of the Blue Army, and the many Blue Army members that participate in the success of our prayer gathering.  Our intentions for future gathers are to rotate throughout the Parishes of Mercer County. 
Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary ~ God Bless You!

Tina Scoccia ~ President (724.877.0987)

World Apostolate of Fatima ~ Blue Army, Mercer County