Inspiration for the Week

Posted on April 08, 2022 in: General News

Inspiration for the Week

Hailed one moment and rejected the next.  This seems to be the pattern that repeats itself not only throughout history but in our own lives as well.  Jesus wants to be triumphantly welcomed into our hearts with joy!  And welcome him we do!  Then come the times when we do exactly the opposite and we reject the teachings of the Gospel and turn our backs on God's friendship.  The one who at one time is a friend now becomes an enemy.  Jesus understands our ambivalence.  He lived it on the way to the cross.  Understanding the full array of human emotion, God accepts us where we are.  There is a great deal of drama on the road to Calvary.  Our lives can be dramatic as well.  In all of those whirlwind moments it can be difficult to find God's presence and understand his will.  We walk with Jesus this week seeking inspiration and hope, the essential keys needed to unlock the door to God's presence in our lives.