Inspiration for the Week

Posted on June 23, 2022 in: General News

Inspiration for the Week

God calls us in the midst of ordinary things.  Often only looking for God in the dramatic, spectacular, the ritual or the sacred places, we miss that He is walking beside us.  Every moment of every day, in every circumstance and experience, God is calling to us, "Follow me."  Sometimes, we are too distracted to hear this call.  Other times, we would rather ignore it or pretend it wasn't heard.  God, however, is very persistent. Whether we fine tune our hearing to receive this invitation now or when we close our eyes in death, we need to make a choice.  The choice involves leaving some things behind and moving forward, taking risks.  Choosing to keep focused and single-minded, the lens we then use to see our world and one another is God's, not our own.  Life is no longer about what is important or matters to me but what matters to God.  We acquire a new filter and are asked to use that filter to make choices, establish priorities, and determine what direction we will take, and how to love.  Once we accept God's invitation, we cannot keep looking back to what was left behind, only forward to the surprises yet to come.