Retirement Fund For Religious Sisters And Brothers

Posted on December 22, 2020 in: General News

Retirement Fund For Religious Sisters And Brothers

We are so grateful to all who gave so generously to the annual retirement fund this year. In our valley, we know of the dedicated and hard-working effort by the many communities of sisters (Benedictine, Mercy and Sisters of St Joseph) who staffed and taught in our schools and religious education programs. We have special memories of the generosity and hard work of the Sisters of St. Joseph as they began: our Notre Dame School: Sr. Marie Corde (first Principal), Sr. Mary Timothy (Sr. Ann), Sr. Dominic, Sr. Cecelia and for the Shenango Valley Religious Education programs: Sr. Mary Paula, Sr. Mary Ann and Sr. Mary Rita. In the 90’s, Sr. Mary Drexler, Sr. Joyce Lowrey and Sr. Ann Donahue SSJs returned and were among our school administration and teaching staff.

In a special way we remember Sr. Joyce Lowrey who died this week. Her ministry of teaching extended through her entire career in many schools. She especially was interested in assisting students with learning concerns. May she rest in peace as we remember her fondly in our prayers.

When Fr. Allen introduced the collection, last year he reminded us that these sisters, who maintained vows of poverty, “lived simply and received very little salary during their times of ministry. The majority of these sisters have aged and no longer can work outside their community and need our financial support and prayer”. If you were not prepared to give last week, a donation can still be made in and envelope marked Retirement Fund for the Sisters and dropped in the Sunday collection basket.